Cupboard getting a little bare? Terrebonne Council on Aging may be able to help. Terrebonne Council on Aging and Catholic Charities’ Food for Seniors program helps qualifying clients receive commodities. Qualifying Seniors will receive two boxes of commodities once every two months. Delivery is available to home bound elders. The service is one of several intended to help elders who need it the most.
Who receives Food for Seniors?
Qualified recipients must:
- Be 60 and older.
- Live in Terrebonne Parish.
- Meet financial guidelines, currently $1,632 for a one-person household and $2,215 for a two-person household.
For more information, please call (985) 868-8411, Ext. 256.
For more information on this service, the brochure is available here.
Did You Know?
Louisiana ranks second in the nation for senior hunger. To combat that, Terrebonne Council on Aging and Catholic Charities’ Food for Seniors program serves more than 1,700 people across Terrebonne Parish each month. The groceries provided helps prevent hunger and keeps seniors happy and healthy.
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East Park Home Delivered- Route 1
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East Park Home Delivered- Route 1
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East Park Home Delivered- Route 2
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Shady Gardens
Bonne Terre Village
Bonne Terre Building 2
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East Park Site Pickup- RESCHEDULED
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East Park Home Delivered- Route 2
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East Park Home Delivered- Route 2
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Shady Acres Home Delivered- Route 1
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Shady Acres Home Delivered- Route 1
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Schriever Site Pickup
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